How To Choose A Kids Size Inflatable Mechanical Bull

Most people are aware of what a mechanical bull is. They have probably been on one before. They were popularized back in the 1970s and 1980s, and have since been made into attractions at carnivals. If you have a carnival, and you would like to add something that children can have fun on, there are actually kid sized inflatable mechanical bulls. They are perfectly safe, providing areas around the bull so that when children fall off, they will land into something very soft which will allow them to have fun even when they fall. Here is how you can choose one of these kid sized inflatable mechanical bulls, plus get it for an affordable price.

How Do They Work?

Most people understand how and mechanical bull works. It appears to be a rendition of a bull without the legs, head or horns. People get on top of it, and holding onto the reins, they will attempt to stay on as long as possible. For a child, this could be very dangerous because of the speed at which the bull actually moves. However, those that are made for children actually look like a cartoon version of able, and they go very slow, making it possible for even children of kindergarten age to have a good time on these units in the family fun centers.

kids inflatable cow mechanical bull

How Much Do They Cost?

A child’s mechanical bull is going to cost far less than a regular one. It really just depends on how big they actually are. They range in price from $3000, all the way up to $10,000, and can bring in children from all over your area that want to ride a bull. Choosing to add one may depend upon where you are in the country. Sometimes they are more popular in areas where bull riding, and outdoor activities involving animals, is more common. However, you might actually attract people that have never been to the country before and this might be their first shot at experiencing what it feels like to interact with something related to a farm.

kids mechanical bull rides

Where To Get Discount Prices

The best prices will come from businesses that originate from the Orient, and Beston amusement rides companies that originate from China. The cost of labor and production are less, and businesses in this region have become very adept at creating some of the best amusement park rides, and are therefore experts in this industry. They will recognize how important it is to create a mechanical bull for children that is going to go slow, and is also going to attract them based upon its appearance. You can always trust these companies to do their very best, especially if they have been in this industry for years.

A kid’s size inflatable mechanical bull is something that you might want to get for your carnival or amusement park this year. Some of them are actually made of plastic, but the safest ones are inflatable, surrounded by a soft area to land in, making it safe for children of all ages.



